Building Your Ci3T Model

Graphic of the Ci3T Professional Learning Series showing main topics from left to right starting with pre-training activities, sessions one through six, and implementation, with homework below each session.
Interactive eBook Figure 1.2 Ci3T Professional Learning Series.

Introductory Overview of Ci3T Model of Prevention

Watch an introductory overview of the comprehensive, integrated, three-tiered (Ci3T) model of prevention by various members of the Ci3T research team. We recommend this short presentation (17 min) be shared with faculty and staff at schools in the process of designing their Ci3T model of prevention. It is also great for those who are looking for general information on how to design, implement, and evaluate a Ci3T model of prevention to address all students’ academic, behavioral, and social needs.
Full-length Ci3T Overview video (17 min)
Shorter Ci3T Overview video (8 min)

Now available on iBooks

Image of book available on iBooks titled, Building and installing comprehensive integrated three-tiered models of prevention: A Practical guide to supporting school success.

Get it on iBooks

You can get the book from the iBooks Store using the link below:

Please note it is available on iBooks for the iPhone, iPad, and Mac. You can also find this interactive eBook by searching “Ci3T” or “Kathleen Lane” on your iTunes or iBooks account.

eBook Supplemental Resources

Ci3T Blueprint Materials A-F

Ci3T Blueprint A Primary (Tier 1) Plan
Ci3T Blueprint B Reactive Plan
Ci3T Blueprint C Expectation Matrix
Ci3T Blueprint D Assessment Schedule
Ci3T Blueprint E Secondary (Tier 2) Intervention Grid
Ci3T Blueprint F Tertiary (Tier 3) Intervention Grid

Ci3T Coach Resources

Ci3T Blueprint Definitions
Ci3T Training Application
Ci3T Coaching Protocol Session 1
Ci3T Coaching Protocol Session 2
Ci3T Coaching Protocol Session 3
Ci3T Coaching Protocol Session 4
Ci3T Coaching Protocol Session 5
Ci3T Coaching Protocol Session 6
District Decision Making Guide
Dropbox Instructions
R01 Recommended Readings Training Year
Screening Protocol
Site-Level Screening Coaching Protocol
What Works Clearinghouse Protocol

Ci3T Exemplars

Ci3T Exemplar – Preschool (available only in the interactive eBook)
Ci3T Exemplar – Elementary (available only in the interactive eBook)
Ci3T Exemplar – Middle School (available only in the interactive eBook)
Ci3T Exemplar – High School (available only in the interactive eBook)

Ci3T Implementation Materials

IM01 Implementation Materials Checklist
IM02 Faculty and Staff Presentation
IM03 Ci3T Implementation Manual
IM04 Ci3T Brochure Template
IM05 Ci3T Bookmark Template
IM06 Ticket Tip Sheet
IM07 Teaching the Plan Logistics
IM08 Poster School-Wide Expectations
IM08b Poster Expectation Matrix
IM08c Star Poster TEMPLATE
IM09 Poster Expectations - Specific Settings
IM10a Setting Lessons Presentation Template
IM10b Setting Lessons Teacher Guide Template
IM13 Tickets Template
IM14 List of Reinforcers
IM15 Non-tangible Certificates Template
IM16 Postcard
IM17 Implementation Calendar
IM18 Ci3T Leadership Team Meeting Agenda
IM21 Giant Full Ci3T Plan

Ci3T Interactive Blueprints

Ci3T Interactive Blueprint A Primary (Tier 1) Plan (available only in the interactive eBook)
Ci3T Interactive Blueprint B Reactive Plan (available only in the interactive eBook)
Ci3T Interactive Blueprint C Expectation Matrix (available only in the interactive eBook)
Ci3T Interactive Blueprint D Assessment Schedule (available only in the interactive eBook)
Ci3T Interactive Blueprint E Secondary (Tier 2) Intervention Grid (available only in the interactive eBook)
Ci3T Interactive Blueprint F Tertiary (Tier 3) Intervention Grid (available only in the interactive eBook)

Ci3T Leadership Team Resources

R01 Recommended Readings Training Year
R02 Sample Schedule
R03 Master Schedule Activity (intervention planning)
R04 Ci3T Professional Learning Plan
R05 Reinforcement Logistics
R06 Reinforcer Student Questionnaire
R07 Reinforcement Menu
R08 PIRS Feedback to Faculty and Staff
R09 Academic Screening Tools At-a-Glance
R10 Behavior Screening Tools At-a-Glance

Ci3T Trainer Resources

Ci3T Agenda Session 1
Ci3T Agenda Session 2
Ci3T Agenda Session 3
Ci3T Agenda Session 4
Ci3T Agenda Session 5
Ci3T Agenda Session 6
Ci3T Blueprint Definitions
Ci3T Pacing Guide Session 1
Ci3T Pacing Guide Session 2
Ci3T Pacing Guide Session 3
Ci3T Pacing Guide Session 4
Ci3T Pacing Guide Session 5
Ci3T Pacing Guide Session 6
Ci3T Presentation Session 1
Ci3T Presentation Session 2
Ci3T Presentation Session 3
Ci3T Presentation Session 4
Ci3T Presentation Session 5
Ci3T Presentation Session 6
Ci3T Leadership Team List
Ci3T Session Content Table
Ci3T Student Session 3 and 5 Restroom Procedures
Ci3T Student Session 3 and 5 Tickets
Ci3T Student Session 3 Lesson Plan
Ci3T Student Session 3 Materials Needed
Ci3T Student Session 3 Responses Template
Ci3T Student Session 5 Clipart
Ci3T Student Session 5 Example Bus Expectations Poster (available only in the interactive eBook)
Ci3T Student Session 5 Lesson Plan
Ci3T Student Session 5 Materials Created Template
Ci3T Student Session 5 Materials Needed
Ci3T Student Session 5 Postcard Template
Ci3T Student Session 5 Tier 2 Cards
Ci3T Template Emails Pre-Training
Ci3T Template Emails Qualtrics Surveys
Ci3T Template Emails Session 1
Ci3T Template Emails Session 2
Ci3T Template Emails Session 3
Ci3T Template Emails Session 4
Ci3T Template Emails Session 5
Ci3T Template Emails Session 6
Ci3T Training Application
Ci3T Training Preparation and Packing List
Ci3T Training Preparation Location Inquiries
Ci3T Training Preparation Room Layouts
Ci3T Training Preparation Sample Budget
Ci3T Training Preparation Set Up [photo gallery] (available only in the interactive eBook)
Ci3T Training Preparation Set Up Interactive Photos (available only in the interactive eBook)
Ci3T Training Protocol Pre-Training and Session 1
Ci3T Training Protocol Session 2
Ci3T Training Protocol Session 3
Ci3T Training Protocol Session 4
Ci3T Training Protocol Session 5
Ci3T Training Protocol Session 6
Ci3T Training Tickets
CASEL Instruction Cards
District Decision Making Guide
Dropbox Instructions
Meetings Schedule for Ci3T Leadership Team and Faculty and Staff
R01 Recommended Readings Training Year
Screening Protocol
Site-Level Screening Coaching Protocol
What Works Clearinghouse Instruction Cards
What Works Clearinghouse Protocol
Wi-Fi Table Cards

Ci3T Training Measures

Ci3T Feedback Form
Ci3T Feedback Form Report Template
Demographic Form
KCU Multiple Choice
KCU Multiple Choice Report Template
KCU Write-in
KCU Write-in Report Template
PIRS Pre-Implementation Report Template
PIRS Pre-Implementation Survey
Qualtrics Reports General Walk Through
Qualtrics Surveys General Walk Through
SESSS Large Format
SESSS Report Template
SESSS Walk Through

District Decision Maker Resources

Ci3T Training Application
District Decision Making Guide
R01 Recommended Readings Training Year
Screening Protocol
Site-Level Screening Coaching Protocol


Figure 1.1 Ci3T Model of Prevention (available only in the interactive eBook)
Figure 1.2 Ci3T Professional Learning Series (available only in the interactive eBook)
Photo Gallery - Procedures for Reinforcing (available only in the interactive eBook)
Photo Gallery - Procedures for Teaching (available only in the interactive eBook)


1.1 An Introduction to Ci3T: A Practical Guide to Supporting School Success (available only in the interactive eBook)
1.2 Ci3T Interactive eBook Logistics (available only in the interactive eBook)
2.1 Ci3T Professional Learning Series: Welcome to Session 1! (available only in the interactive eBook)
3.1 Ci3T Procedures for Monitoring (available only in the interactive eBook)
3.2 Ci3T Session 3 Student Materials (available only in the interactive eBook)

Table Talks 01-11

Table Talk 01 Current Priorities
Table Talk 02 Goals
Table Talk 03 Scheduling
Table Talk 04 Reinforcement
Table Talk 05 Current Data
Table Talk 06 Behavior Screening Tools
Table Talk 07 Ci3T Primary Plan
Table Talk 08 Ci3T Plan Responsibilities
Table Talk 09 Ci3T Plan Procedures – Teaching and Reinforcing
Table Talk 10 Ci3T Plan Procedures – Monitoring
Table Talk 11 Plan for Sharing Logistics
Available in the interactive eBook.
Available in the interactive eBook.
Ci3T Agenda Session 1
Ci3T Agenda Session 2
Ci3T Agenda Session 3
Ci3T Agenda Session 4
Ci3T Agenda Session 5
Ci3T Agenda Session 6
Ci3T Blueprint Definitions
Ci3T Pacing Guide Session 1
Ci3T Pacing Guide Session 2
Ci3T Pacing Guide Session 3
Ci3T Pacing Guide Session 4
Ci3T Pacing Guide Session 5
Ci3T Pacing Guide Session 6
Ci3T Presentation Session 1
Ci3T Presentation Session 2
Ci3T Presentation Session 3
Ci3T Presentation Session 4
Ci3T Presentation Session 5
Ci3T Presentation Session 6
Ci3T Leadership Team List
Ci3T Session Content Table
Ci3T Student Session 3 and 5 Restroom Procedures
Ci3T Student Session 3 and 5 Tickets
Ci3T Student Session 3 Lesson Plan
Ci3T Student Session 3 Materials Needed
Ci3T Student Session 3 Responses Template
Ci3T Student Session 5 Clipart
Ci3T Student Session 5 Example Bus Expectations Poster (available only in the interactive eBook)
Ci3T Student Session 5 Lesson Plan
Ci3T Student Session 5 Materials Created Template
Ci3T Student Session 5 Materials Needed
Ci3T Student Session 5 Postcard Template
Ci3T Student Session 5 Tier 2 Cards
Ci3T Template Emails Pre-Training
Ci3T Template Emails Qualtrics Surveys
Ci3T Template Emails Session 1
Ci3T Template Emails Session 2
Ci3T Template Emails Session 3
Ci3T Template Emails Session 4
Ci3T Template Emails Session 5
Ci3T Template Emails Session 6
Ci3T Training Application
Ci3T Training Preparation and Packing List
Ci3T Training Preparation Location Inquiries
Ci3T Training Preparation Room Layouts
Ci3T Training Preparation Sample Budget
Ci3T Training Preparation Set Up [photo gallery] (available only in the interactive eBook)
Ci3T Training Preparation Set Up Interactive Photos (available only in the interactive eBook)
Ci3T Training Protocol Pre-Training and Session 1
Ci3T Training Protocol Session 2
Ci3T Training Protocol Session 3
Ci3T Training Protocol Session 4
Ci3T Training Protocol Session 5
Ci3T Training Protocol Session 6
Ci3T Training Tickets
CASEL Instruction Cards
District Decision Making Guide
Dropbox Instructions
Meetings Schedule for Ci3T Leadership Team and Faculty and Staff
R01 Recommended Readings Training Year
Screening Protocol
Site-Level Screening Coaching Protocol
What Works Clearinghouse Instruction Cards
What Works Clearinghouse Protocol
Wi-Fi Table Cards
Available in the interactive eBook.
1.1 An Introduction to Ci3T: A Practical Guide to Supporting School Success (available in the interactive eBook)
1.2 Ci3T Interactive eBook Logistics (available in the interactive eBook)
2.1 Ci3T Professional Learning Series: Welcome to Session 1! (available in the interactive eBook)
3.1 Ci3T Procedures for Monitoring (available only in the interactive eBook)
3.2 Ci3T Session 3 Student Materials (available only in the interactive eBook)


Watch panel discussion videos below of Ci3T school team leaders who participated in a year-long Ci3T training series and implemented the Ci3T model designed at their school site.

Part 1 Transcript  Part 2 TRANSCRIPT Part 3 TRANSCRIPT


Ci3T 2017 Panel Discussion Videos